samm is a security assistant management manual. this is their blog.
also known as:
- ॐ
- buddha bowl: the compassionate kitchen
- ozark harp
- garbanzo the artist
- hedge apple co.
- sutra press
a few things i do:
- 2010: became a vegetable lamb by not eating meat
- 2010: decided to never get a driver’s license or car
- 2011: occupy protests in little rock, ark.
- 2012: “dear,” arkansas short film festival
- 2012: “valley of the vapors,” hot springs documentary film festival
- 2013: finished ib school
- 2013: hot springs hot spots magazine
- 2013: amnesty international
- 2013: worked the flies, “in the next room; or, the vibrator play,” clarksville, ark. & shreveport, la.
- 2014: librarian assistant
- 2014: “end of my rope,” (role: topher) a play written by David Pluebell
- 2014: poet laureate of spadra valley
- 2015: “las flores de spandra,” (role: Aquiles Pinto Flores) a soap opera dir. Sheryl Cambronero & Berenice Osorio
- 2015: larger than life, stephens gallery, clarksville, ark.
- 2015: maumau residency in istanbul, turkey
- 2017: no ban no wall, clarksville, ark.
- 2017: wrote a thesois about trickster
- 2017: founded sutra press
- 2017: pre-school teacher of nonverbal children
- 2018: “creatures of becoming,” new orleans poetry festival, new orleans, la. with poets Claire Bowman, C.S. Carrier, Megan Kaminski, and Brendan Walsh.
- 2018: arkansas mfa
- 2018: frank stanford literary festival
- 2018: dickson street bookshop
- 2019: “at a loss for words,” a short film
- 2019: vegan
- 2019: artists.360
- 2019-2020: uarkforbernie
- January 2020: organized activities for “new year’s eve star party” & “haiku hike” in ponca, ark.
- June 2020: bodhisattva vows
- July/August 2020-present: archival / radical imagination work
- 2021: refuge in three jewels
- 2021: ags in russelville, ark.
- 2022: outskirts: 108 theses on being in the middle of now~here
- 2022: the edge of chaos
- 2022: hedge apple collective
- 2022: trnsvrs
- 2022: fifty chapbooks
- 2022: ecofay
- 2022: fay arts movement (FAM)
- 2022: